Kuni .G. Isaac
The lives of children worldwide are at stake due to hunger inflation causing malnutrition, underfeeding, the UN agency is prepared to take charge
UNICEF calls for the estimate of $1.2 billion to cater for eight million children at risk of death from severe wasting, in 15 mainly African nations, such as Burkina Faso, Chad, Kenya, Somalia and Sudan, but also Afghanistan and Haiti at least 40 million children are severely nutrition insecure, unable to receive the appropriate diet they need to grow and develop in early childhood.
The rise of children suffering from malnutrition due to hunger crisis has continued to grow in 2022 at 250,00, from 7.67 million to 7.93 million children.
the price of ready-to-use food to has also wheeled by 16 per cent in recent weeks, following the blistering rise in the cost of raw ingredients, by Ukraine war, tenacious drought, at times combined with conflict and COVID-19, leaving a number of 600,000 additional children “without access to life-saving treatment and at risk of death”. Unicef stressed.
“We are now seeing the tinderbox of conditions for extreme levels of child wasting begin to catch fire,” said UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell.
“Food aid is critical, but we cannot save starving children with bags of wheat. We need to reach these children now with therapeutic treatment before it is too late.”
At this point over 21 million children stand on the ledge of death derive of adequate food need in other words the areas concerned might have a higher risk of severe wasting if not attended to.
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